Thursday, October 14

I (subject) soon (adverb, describing when) shall-go (extended verb) out of my mind (adverb, describing state of being)

Grammar class used to be my favorite class. I know, I know, you all think I'm weird. But it's something I'm good at, something I understand, and therefore, it was a good class. However, we are now getting into the devilry of verbs (dum, dum, dum....). Oh, the horror. To give you all a little taste of what we are going through in our Approaches to Grammar class, I will write out the verbs in all of the following sentences in the extended diagramming version we learned today.
Last night I past+ be+ ing+ go (was going) to stay at home because I didn't have to work. I past+ be+ ing+ need (was needing) a little rest and relaxation. But present+ ing+ have+ en+ be+ en+ invite (having been invited) to hang out with my friends at some coffee shop, I decided I past+ shall+ go (should go) with them-- I don't see them that often anymore and we past+ ed+ need (needed) some bonding time. I past+ shall+ not+ have+ en+ tell (should not have told) them i was coming, however, because I really past+ have+ en+ want (had wanted) to go to a Bible study at the Breuninger's house with Sonia. Just before I left, I found out I past+ can+ do (could do) both, so my night was set. Maybe I past+ shall+ have+ en+ stay (should have stayed) home and studied. If I past+ have+ en+ be+ ing+ study (had been studying) last night, I past+ can+ have+ en+ be+ en+ prepare (could have been more prepared) for today, and I past+ may+ have+ en+ be (might have been) able to understand how to work with these darn extended verbs!
Yes, I know. This is just ridiculous, people. Please pray for me, and my cohort, Frijole, as we drudge through verb extensions on Tuesdays and Thursdays between eight and nine fifteen.
PS- ask Frijole about the specially constructed sentence I diagrammed for her in class....


Blogger Brittany Keener said...

Wow ...

11:15 AM  
Blogger Mo said...

nice job dude...spoken like a real english major!!

9:25 AM  

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