Friday, November 26

My Freaking Awesome Friends

Be prepared, Sonia, this will be a long one....

Of all the things I'm thankful for, I'd have to say my friends rank up there at number one. For those of you who have never met my closest friends, I am sorry, because you are really missing out. Someday soon (when I have time, like when school's over), I'm going to post some pictures of my freaking awesome friends and all the fun things we do.
Last week I was feeling a little frustrated with some things and I guess a little unwanted (to those of you who know what I'm talking about-- I know that's not how it was, but I felt a little that way at first, but I got over it after I looked at the "situation" more objectively ;) Anyway, so I had to leave my job at school and go right to work at Target for another five hours, and I was so not in the mood for that. But then, while I was at work, everybody started calling me to convince me to hang out that night. By the time I had only half an hour left of work, I had three different options of hanging out with close friends. Fortunately, everyone compromised so I didn't have to choose (I told you you'd end up going to he movie, Justin!), but I just felt so darn special that everybody wanted to hang out with me. I don't know if the guys know this, but they always make me feel so special and wanted. I do know that they read this, so I'm going to use this to give them my Why my friends are so rad list, containing both generalities and specifics on why they are so cool.

Why my friends are so rad
#1 My very own, Justin&Justin produced homemade version of "The Game" for my seventeenth birthday
#2 The fact that, whenever I'm too nervous to drive somewhere I've never been before (or places such as "crowded" drive-ins), I can always get one of them to drive for me.
#3 Yet another Justin&Justin produced birthday movie last year in which they interviewed random strangers in Grossmont Center about me and the day of my birth
#4 The two attempts (soon to be three, come Sunday) by Tyler and Justin #1 to teach me how to snowboard (What I got out of those attempts: the raddest bruise I've ever had from when Tyler tried to teach me, and the ability to "plough" as a result of Justin Aubrey's lessons).
# 5 How many guys do you know who get excited about the idea of taking dance lessons with a bunch of senior citizens at Balboa Park on Sunday nights? Say hello to Jesse, Tyler, and
Justin #2
#6- Sunday after-church lunches with the gang
#7- Good times like last week at Jessica's apartment: we watched our homemade movies and videos from our senior year while feeding on a "vat" of Top Ramen.
#8 HOME MADE MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The best thing the guys have ever thought of, where we spend an evening (and sometimes well into the night and next morning) coming up with hysterical plotlines (you should see our latest 'reality show')
#9 Scary movies with these guys are the best. I get to sit in the middle with a blanket and pillow to hide behind and feel protected from whatever's out there. Of course, then when I get up to go to the bathroom, I return to find them all hiding and waiting to scare the daylights out of me....
#10 Games like our version of hide-and-seek, or the barrel game (only to be understood by the Justins, Jesse, Jacquie, and Tyler). There is no greater way for a college student to spend a weekend night than playing Sardines at the Aubrey's house in pitch black darkness with the rest of your nineteen-year-old friends
#11 Two weekends ago they showed up, literally, right outside the door to my work, as I was leaving, and forced me to go with them for dinner and a movie. It was this close to a kidnapping.
#12 For my last birthday, the Justins, Jesse, Tyler, Mikey, Jessica, Jarod, Bev, and David made me a mystery theatre party, taking it upon themselves to be someone completely against their normal character for the night, even to the point of looking and sounding absolutely ridiculous. It was awesome. And Tyler dressed up like a girl. Now that's friendship.
#13 This one happened tonight. As I was leaving work, I realized that the Justins, who had gone to another friend's house tonight, had driven right by Target, and had not stopped to say hello. I was a little disappointed at that realization. But then, my car came into view, and I saw that my tailgate was down and the windshield wipers were sticking straight up (a somewhat annoying calling card that we each use to let someone know that we were there, but didn't happen to catch them, only their car), and the first thing that came to my mind was "They really do love me!"

These are a lot of funny things that my friends do, and there are plenty of others, like our "book" we wrote during eleventh and twelfth grade and our Big Bear excursion last summer and plans for our road trip as soon as we're all done with college. And there are a lot more serious reasons for why I love my friends so much, but those would take up pages and pages too. My friends are always there for me. They always listen to me when I need to talk to someone. Seeing as how most of them are guys, they try to fix all my problems, and it's cute watching them try, but fail. ;) I feel safe when I'm with them, and I know that if I ever broke down somewhere, I could call any of them and they would come get me in the middle of the night. They're just freaking awesome, and I hope that everyone is as lucky as I am when it comes to the people they're closest to.

The End.
( I hope you were able to finish it, fellow English major. I am sorry it was so long.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Britt (NOTE: I have not joined the darkside!), I agree with Justin, your a true friend to us. Thanks you for truly caring and being my fellow retriever.

3:22 PM  

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