Thursday, November 4

Why?.... because....

I feel so... unworthy. Here I am, being blessed in so many ways, shapes, and forms, more than I could possibly count, and I allow myself to ask God why, why must you take this away? When it seems I've worked so hard to hold onto it, when it seems right to hold onto it, when it seems wrong to give it up... it's not even up to me in the end. Some of you know what I'm talking about and some of you don't, and even out of those who do, only a couple of you really know. This is just so hard to simply let go of, and at the same time, there's such a relief to release it to God, knowing that He's already got it worked out. I was reading Sonia's entry earlier, and she had the perfect quote (Sorry, Saenz, but I'm going to borrow it here)-- "God says to me, to His children, as He once said to abraham, "I only wanted to remove [him] from the temple of your heart that I might reign unchallenged there."" He's talking about Abraham giving up his son, but it fits so perfectly for me, too. God, reign unchallenged in my heart. Take away everything and anything that gets in the way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


But seek first His kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomarrow, for tomarrow will worry about itself. (matthew 6:33-34)

Note God's destiny for your life. Salvation. God's overarching desire is that you reach that destiny. His itinerary includes stops that encourage your journey. He frowns on stops that deter you. When his sovereign plan and your earthly plan collide, a decision must be made. Who's in charge of the=is journey?
If God must choose between your earthly satisfaction and your heavenly salvation, which do you hope He chooses? Me too. (from the book -In the Eye of the Storm-)

Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your oun understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. (proverbs 3:5)

It's good to see you handling this with such wisdom and understanding for Gods will for you.
A Friend who cares,
Jesse Schworm

2:11 PM  

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